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Colin Thomas

reflects on a multitude of memories with Michael Oates
A gentleman in every respect! “Mr. Thomas, if we knew you were so nice, we would not be afraid of you.”

The story of the Mallee and how it came about as we recognise it today is entwined with the stories of numerous individuals, and their descendants, who have made significant contributions to its development from the earliest days. Many of these individuals were hopeful young immigrants who set out to find their El Dorado here beside the Murray River in North West Victoria. Some foundered and moved on; others remained here and thrived within the community and their offspring often feature prominently in modern times. Such is the case of the Thomas dynasty. Colin, or Col (as he is affectionately known by his friends), was born in Red Cliffs Hospital on September 8, 1927 to Cyril Thomas and Anne (Nan) Henson. Col’s parents had both migrated from post-war Britain. They separately arrived in Australia from a bleak war-torn Europe, shortly after the great 1914-18 conflict ended. Unknown to each other at the time, their respective voyages took them half-way around the globe.

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Mallee Living Histories

The Mallee’s Living Histories full editions are available for purchase from Princes Court Community Living Shop.